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Dr Christian Berger wygłosi na platformie zoom specjalny wykład dla naszego Instytutu.
Data: 10 grudnia, czwartek, godz. 18
Wykład w języku angielskim (ok. 30 min; abstrakt poniżej), po nim czas na pytania oraz wspólna dyskusja
Topic: Origins, Understandings, and Potentials of a “Dematerialization” of Art
Link do do spotkania:
Meeting ID: 871 8338 1455
Passcode: 772689
Dr. Christian Berger (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
Origins, Understandings, and Potentials of a “Dematerialization” of Art
The notion of a supposed “dematerialization of art” has most often been traced back to the U.S. critics Lucy R. Lippard and John Chandler and their eponymous essay published in 1968. More recent research, however, has rightfully stressed the importance of other usages of the term. Tracing the diverse origins and understandings of “dematerialization” is not just a matter of bibliographical source-hunting. Rather, it indicates the significance of different traditions, understandings, and potentials of this controversial concept, some of which my paper will address.
Christian Berger is a research fellow and lecturer at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. His scholarly interests focus on issues of materiality and artistic production as well as on the transformations of artistic practice since the long 1960s and on the growing importance of transnational perspectives for contemporary art. He is the editor of Conceptualism and Materiality: Matters of Art and Politics (Brill Studies in Art & Materiality, Leiden 2019) and the author of Wiederholung und Experiment bei Edgar Degas (Berlin 2014).